Aiding the Paint Trade

Time-Tested Performance

There are a number of factors that cause concrete surface coatings to fail.

  1. Water flow within the porous concrete before, during or after the coating has been applied is one of the major causes of problems associated with concrete paints.
    SEAL-IT Concrete Sealant decreases the absorption by 25% ASTM-C-67 SEAL-IT Concrete Sealant decreases the suction by 35% ASTM-C-67
  2. Concrete dusts naturally. This creates a surface that is unstable for most coatings to adhere to. SEAL-IT Concrete Sealant resists dusting to abrasion by 100% *ORF Method
  3. Poor surface preparation. This may include insufficient removal of oil or wax from previous coatings or contaminants, surface salts already present or forming from inside the structure, or moisture on or inside the concrete.
  4. Surface is too smooth for paints to adhere to. The battle for the most part we believe, is moisture being carried to the surface. Moisture not only carries alkali and lime to the surface causing a reaction in the paint, but moisture is a major problem to the paint itself often causing bubbling, cracking or peeling.

Oil and acrylic latex paints were not designed as a sealer or waterproofing agent. Best results are achieved when these products are used only as a topcoat to SEAL-IT Concrete Sealant.

We recommend SEAL-IT Concrete Sealant as a necessary first step for any concrete surface prior to painting. SEAL-IT Concrete Sealant not only prohibits water flow to the painted surface, but provides a surface that is stable from dust, alkali, salts, and provides an etched surface that easily enables paint to bind to.

Because the concrete is properly prepared for the paint to adhere to, customers can expect an increase in the life of the paint, as much as 300%. Needless to say, maintenance costs can be greatly reduced.